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Vertikaler Zoom Nachmittag mit Christina Wunderlich 21.03.2021 – Teil 2 (DE/EN) – Vertical Zoom afternoon (3/21/21): Christina Wunderlich part 2

  • korrekte Ecken reiten mit Zefiro
  • Handarbeit und Reiten mit Zingaro
  • Handarbeit mit Bacano


English translation for explanation:

  • The correctness of cornering – Zefiro: (start min 2) We chose Zefiro, as he is a bold and brawny horse, especially with horses like this don’t bend the neck in any way. Such a horse must be activated from behind, with active haunches, otherwise he will immediately put weight on the reins. Zefiro looks for every rider’s weakness to put weight to the rider. So keep him step by step. In minute 3.28 and following you see him without correct hind activity. Min 3.49 Christina starts counter shoulder-in (incorrect), Zefiro does the figure, but without activity, he shuffles along without collection. Min 4.18 Christina starts to collect and you immediately see the raising activity while the walk slows down and collects. You see the movement in the big hind joints, the haunches start to bounce – although it’s more challenging for him. To now define on which shoulder he puts the wait, you need a very good feeling and maybe a bit collection to find the answer. In min 5.50 you see his correct collected walk. Much less than before. Christina has the feeling, the movement is done stride by stride – and not only walking away. The turning volte collects the horse even more, and prepars well for Piaffe. Min 7:44 Christina stops quite directly before the corner and immediately yields the reins (very important!). Then she starts walking through the corner, and stops directly after the corner a second time. She corrects the shoulder. If the horse is to fast – stop. Next corner in 8:44 is better. Christina adds sideways on the diagonale. Zefiro is since age of 3 or 4 in training by Manuel and was a lot of times in the bullfighting arena. Christina adds some more stops and turns, using also the reining back. This horse has a lot of power, a rider can’t hold him with the reins. Christina starts cantering through the corners in the same manner. Test that, with stop from canter. Canter on the other side, same topic – you can’t pull him into the corner. A rider has to give and take, especially with bold horse, give – you can’t bear his weight, he will heavy. If you put his head lower, he will put weight on the reins. Christina puts some energy to Zefiro and extends the canter. Bold horses and necks tend to put to much weight to the rider’s reins and hands. But the horse has to collect himself – not your hands. It’s not easy to say on which shoulder Zefiro puts weight. Zefiro can change that, movement to movement. The more educated the horse is, the more difficult it is to say, on which shoulder there’s weight and/or it might change from step to step, from figure to figure, from stride to stride.
  • Work in hand and riding with Zingaro: (start min 20) Christina explains Zingaro’s body, Zingaro is half brother to Zefiro. He also has a physical basis to put weight to the front, but Zingaro also adds hypermobility and can move like a snake. It’s not easy to keep him straight. Christina starts with the straight flexions, followed by the side flexions. Open the ganache, you see Zingaro is highly educated and trained. Christina starts to mobilize in walk and trot and even short canter (canter is not a must – it depends on the horse!). She follows with diagonalisation and reining back, both sides, and explains the aids with the stick (min 3.35f). Riding min 4.41, similar start like Zefiro with corners. Note that the parade usually comes on the outside rein. When a horse stops listening, you correct with the reins up. Christina adds shoulder-in in walk. Short discussion for counter cantering – use the shoulder-in after good mobilisation. Of course, some one who starts with Vertical could be confused now: We don’t put the neck to the inside and use the inside leg to start the canter. We use the outside leg and a outside flexion for starting the canter especially with young horses. Canter ist lateral and diagonal, and not pure diagonal like trot. Every young horse puts the head to the outside to start canter – why should we do the opposite? Help your horse with counter shoulder-in to make the inner side more free and de-load that shoulder. So min 47.35 you see correct canter coming from counter shoulder-in position. For counter canter, it is the position of shoulder-in to help the horse. Later we focus to make the canter really straight. The inner leg of the rider holds the horse straight – but the impulsion comes from outside rider leg. Keep an eye on the lateral part of the canter. How to differ sideways and canter aid? It’s your energy! A horse is not like pulling strips or pushing buttons. A leg alone is a button, but you use your body, your tension, your energy to differ between movements. If your horse has problems to differ between right hand and left hand canter – work solid, exact, and immediately dismount as soon as there was ONE right answer. Play with intensity of aids. Christina starts playing with energy in canter min 57f, extending and collecting. Serial flying changes start in the same manner and concept.Christina collects Zingaro to the absolut limit. You see, that although Christina yields the reins, Zingaro doesn’t get crazy – the collection before wasn’t made by rein. She collects with her seat. The riders decides the pace – not the horse. Christina ends with playing to Spanish trot.
  • Work in hand with Bacano: (start min 1:04) Bacano is a Cruzado Portuguese, 15 years old, long time in the bullfighting arena, and a special horse for Christina. Bacano has a very strong mind, a rider can’t force him to do something if he doesn’t want to do it. Christina starts with mobilisation, which is an important start also for all horses, that are schooling horses for riders‘ education. In min 1.07 Christina shows, how you can stop a horse, that doesn’t want to stop (she shows it in an exaggerated way so that you can see it clearly) – lift your arm and hand. Create a situation, where your horse can reach a success. Be careful to do both sides in same manner and intensity. Hear Christina helps with a whistle and voice to stop. She starts to (min 1:12) add mobilisation in trot and leads it towards piaffe, and back to trot.